Tuesday, January 13, 2015

King Arthur's flour

Welcome to the second week of Winter term! For this week's Monday and Tuesday, we will be spending our time in King Arthur's Bakery in New Hampshire. For Monday the 12th, we learned to make gnocchi and french baguette with three amazing staff members in the KAB.

Departing at seven am from Brooks, we arrived at the KAB around nine with accompanied by a nice snow fall. After enjoying our breakfast at the Cafe, we started our first class of learning how to make the spinach Gnocchi and the Tomato Gnocchi.

First, we started with the per-made spinach gnocchi. We learned how to make the nice oval shape of the gnocchi with two spoon compressing the gnocchi. After that, we placed those perfectly made cheesy gnocchi on to the plate.

Second, with the pre-prepared hot potato, we stared learning how to make the potato gnocchi. We peel the hot potato in front of us, and then we rice it with the rice tool. After that, we make a well shape with the riced tomato and put two egg yolk and cheese in the center of it. Next step we mix it with the flour to make a prefect dough for the gnocchi which we savor for lunch.

In the afternoon, we learned how to make the french baguette. With a different, wetter type of dough, we started our journey of making the legendary french bread. We learned to put it in the oven with steam, and we learned how to taste the amazing crisp bread itself. In the end, we were all very happy, especially Steven, for taking home a amazing amount of freshly hand-made baguette to share with our friends and families. (Mr. Olrich's son thought those are from Europe)

Day 2, learning four kinds of amazing deserts.

First, the cream puff and the eclair. With the help of machines, we made the dough that we need for those two amazing( personal favorite) pastries. After some hard work include fulling the dough and the making of the rich creamy filling, our class dipped those fine pieces of pastries into those heavenly chocolate and designed them with almond pieces.

In the afternoon, we reached our last step in our journey at KAP, learning the cinnamon rolls and the sticky buns. After steps including making the "sticky" dough, caramels with butters, and rolling the dough into rolls, we each made our awesome cinnamon rolls and sticky buns! Putting the rich dreamy frosting on top of those officially makes the end of amazing two day learning experience at the King Arthur's Flour.

1 comment:

  1. Those pics are making me hungry! Thanks for taking on the blog post of the big field trip--nice work! Way to really capture the experience :)
