While tasting chocolates, we found that there is more than just taste. Just like with cheese, it is important to know where the chocolate comes from, the ingredients, its smells and tastes. For me personally, I found some dark chocolates actually tasting good, which I never liked before. I noticed that the more natural flavours can actually taste better than the artificial flavours and ingredients that are very popular here in the U.S.
One of my favorite chocolates was the Marou- Bentre which is a chocolate (#10) and it has a coco butter smell.Even though it had the highest percentage of natural coco powder, it seemed to be the sweetest compared to the other two of the same brand.
The wheel below shows several ways to classify tastes of chocolates, which is slightly similar to the chart that classified the tastes of cheeses.
As a class, we also began watching the documentary of the MOF in France, and we definetly had our fair share of laughs. Personally it opened my eyes to the stress and amount of time and preparation that these chefs need to go through in order to possibly win and get the blue, red and white collar. Im excited to see the rest of it and learn more about the process of which the chefs have to go through in order to make things like; sugar sculptures, wedding cakes, lollipops, and a chocolate piece as well.
Thanks, Lidiana! I'm so glad you found a new chocolate that you like! Great summary!